• Urban School Gardens

    As a public institution, TV Slovenija encourages pupils and secondary school students – especially those from urban environments – to plant their own urban school gardens and thus "grow their own food for tomorrow".

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  • Dijaki Gimnazije Šiška pripravljajo vrt

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  • DALMATIA FOLK - Documentary Short Film

    H kreiranju oddaj Village folk smo povabili dijake, da ob podpori ekipe TV Slovenija v okviru video delavnic ujamejo zgodbe Village folk v svoj objektiv. Pogled mlajše generacije se v marsičem pomembno razlikuje.

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  • Nejc Kavka - Movie

    H kreiranju oddaj Village folk smo povabili dijake, da ob podpori ekipe TV Slovenija v okviru video delavnic ujamejo zgodbe Village folk v svoj objektiv. Pogled mlajše generacije se v marsičem pomembno razlikuje.

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  • Our school eco-garden

    The summer holidays have ended and we have already begun to do the most necessary tasks in our school eco-garden. Some of "F students, Žana, Pia Lana, Urban, Žan and Alex, participated in our first garden campaign.

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  • Gardens

    We combined this project with school gardens to encourage the younger generation to ask themselves how the food we daily buy in supermarkets is actually produced.

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