09.03.2016 • Partnerji z naravo

28.12.2015 • Sejem malih sirarjev

O sejmu malih sirarjev ...


13.12.2015 • Škripavac

13.12.2015 • Škripavac

07.12.2015 • Eko--socialna kmetija

30.11.2015 • Mladi sirar Johannes

Johannes vsako leto tri mesece preživi na planini, kjer izdeluje sir in maslo. Zadnje poletje je preživel na tetini planini Biber nad Bad Gestainom skupaj s svojima sestričnama. Na številnih planinah v bližini Salzburga poleti izdelujejo sir in maslo, obišče jih tudi veliko turistov,saj imajo planine tudi sobe za prenočitev. Na planini je poleg molže in izdelovanja sira veliko dela tudi z ohranjanjem pašnikov. Gozd se zelo hitro širi. Ohranjanje planinske paše je zelo pomembno tudi za ohranjanje biotske raznolikosti.

22.11.2015 • Markusova obnovljiva energija

Markusov oče je bil med pionirji projektov z obnovljivo energijo v deželi Salzburg že v 80 letih. Danes Markus izkorišča tako vodo kot tudi sonce in biomaso. Posestvo, ki ga sestavlja poleg planine v dolini še predelava mesa, proizvodnja piva, turizem in kulinarika je tesno povezano z obnovljivo energijo, ki jo oddajajo tudi v omrežje. Obnovljiva energija biomase pa povezuje v projekt tudi druge kmete.

16.11.2015 • Mariova planina

Mario di Bernardi se je rodil v dolini Rezije. Spomini na otroštvo, ko je njegov ded kupil planino in ko je s celo družino vsako poletje preživel nekaj mesecev na paši so še vedno zelo živi. Danes so planine pod Kaninom večinoma prazne. Kljub temu, da se preživlja tudi z delom na avtocesti, je želja da bi planina ponovno zaživela zelo velika.

16.11.2015 • Mariova planina

Mario di Bernardi se je rodil v dolini Rezije. Spomini na otroštvo, ko je njegov ded kupil planino in ko je s celo družino vsako poletje preživel nekaj mesecev na paši so še vedno zelo živi. Danes so planine pod Kaninom večinoma prazne. Kljub temu, da se preživlja tudi z delom na avtocesti, je želja da bi planina ponovno zaživela zelo velika.

08.11.2015 • Rezijski strok

02.11.2015 • Dunajski zelenjavni vrtovi

Samo nekaj korakov od dunajske Opere je nastal urbani zelenjavni vrt. Simone je  v Buenos Airesu študirala prostorsko urejanje in po svoji vrnitvi s somišljeniki izpeljala projekt vrta Karls garten sredi avstrijske prestolnice. Pogajanja z mestnimi oblastmi pri  niso bila lahka, vendar je danes urbani zelenjavni vrt tudi zanimiva turistična točka Dunaja. K projektu je pristopil tudi lastnik restavracije v Karls gartnu, ki z veseljem  začimbe in zelenjavo uporablja tudi v svoji gastronomski ponudbi. 

25.10.2015 • Semenska banka

Arhe Noah je že v 80 letih v majhni  avstrijski vasici Schilten, na zapuščenem samostanskem vrtu  začel uresničevati svojo vizijo in s podporo ljudi kot so Mihaela, Iga, Rupert  je nastala banka tradicionalnih  avtohtonih vrst in sort semen, ki jih  več tisoč somišljenikov  ideje Arche Noah danes sadi na svojih kmetijah, vrtovih in balkonih in tako  prispevajo k ohranjanju globalne biotske raznolikosti.

18.10.2015 • Kokoš iz Padove

Projekt zaščite padovanske kokoši povezuje ljudi in prinaša denar ter nova delovna mesta. Kokoš iz Padove, ki ima za seboj bogato zgodovino danes zaščitene avtohtone pasme, danes gojijo na številnih ekoloških kmetijah v okolici Padove. Meso je prava kulinarična specialiteta, na voljo je v številnih mesnicah, kot lokalna posebnost je uvrščena na jedilnike prestižnih restavracij.

11.10.2015 • Robi&Alex

Robi je bil geodet, Alexandra pa je učiteljica v osnovni šoli. V majhni vasici Pianetto, dobro uro oddaljeni od Firenc, sta pred desetimi leti kupila staro vaško kapelo, v kateri sta odprla gostilno in v želji , da bi pripravljala jedi predvsem iz lokalnih pridelkov , povezala med seboj ekološke kmetije iz bližnje okolice. La Campanara je tudi zaradi odličnih lokalnih pridelkov, danes uvrščena med vrhunske restavracije. Aleksandra pa ima svojo kuharsko oddajo tudi na nacionalni italijanski televiziji.

04.10.2015 • Ribiči iz Camoglia

Tonarella je star način ribolova, ki  ga ribiči iz Camoglia  ohranjajo vse od 17 stoletja in s tem ščitijo biotsko pestrost v  Mediteranskem  morju. Vsak dan še pred zoro ob treh zjutraj Maurizio s svojo posadko, odrine k mrežam. Nedavno se je posadki  pridružil George, ki je prišel iz Romunije. Pozimi je taxsist v Bukarešti, poleti pa je dobil zaposlitev pri ribičih  v Camogliju. Tuna je v teh vodah zaščitena, tudi druge zaščitene vrste ribiči vržejo nazaj v morje, ulov tudi tokrat ni bil dober.

24.01.2015 • Novi izzivi

Kaj storiti, če si velik pridelovalec krompirja in prodaš kilogram le za 7 centov. Henk in Rene sta nizozemska kmeta, sta tudi soseda in se ukvarjata s pridelavo krompirja. Združila sta moči in razvila idejo, ki se je porodila nekega večera, ko sta po napornem dnevu skupaj za večerjo pripravila ocvrt krompirček. In tako je nastala dobro prodajana blagovna znamka in čips dveh kmetov.
Tudi Garmt je bil postavljen pred življenski izziv. Odločil se je, da bo zagotovil delo ljudem, ki zaradi različnih primanjkljajev dobivajo socialno pomoč iz strani države. In tako je nastala majhna pivovarna, recepte za različna piva z zelišči in začimbami pa Garmt z veseljem pripravlja sam.

17.01.2015 • Kmetije na morju

Rebecca in Jennifer sta zasnovali prvo kmetijo na morju na Nizozemskem. Poleti pridelujeta morsko solato Ulvo Lactuco, pozimi pa nekatere druge sorte morskih alg. Tudi na slanih poljih v bližini morja nizozemski kmetje vedno bolj sadijo alternativne rastline, ki jim prinesejo več dohodka kot na primer krompir ali sladkorna pesa. Brata Janse gojita morske šparglje, ki jih je mogoče uživati sveže ali pa zmlete, kot neke vrste slano začimbo. Rastline, ki rastejo na slanih površinah ali v morju, vsebujejo veliko beljakovin. Pridelava hrane se po napovedih seli v morje.

10.01.2015 • Hrana za prihodnost

Friso je ustanovil podjetje, v okviru katerega delujejo zdravniki streh. V Amsterdamu je veliko streh, ki danes postajajo oskrbni vrtovi. V posebnih koritih, ki so inovacija, gojijo različno zelenjavo.
Wouter je računalnikar, od nedavnega pa prideluje gobe v dveh zabojnikih. Goji jih na substratu, ki je ostanek od proizvodnje piva, tega z ladjico pripeljejo po kanalu do zabojnikov. Wouter načrtuje, da bo pridelal 5 ton gob na teden.
Ger je ob podpori Univerze iz Wageningena začel gojiti žuželke. Najrazličnejše posušene žuželke postajajo del prehrane, nadomestile bodo živalske beljakovine, saj živinoreja močno obremenjuje okolje.
Inovativne trajnostne projekte, povezane s hrano, ki jo bomo potrebovali v prihodnosti za preživetje 9 milijard zemljanov, finančno podpira tudi mesto Amsterdam. 

02.01.2015 • Urbana kmetija

Ard je pred leti prodal svoje podjetje in denar vložil v nakup kmetije v predmestju. Hlev je spremenil v trgovino in kuhinjo oz. restavracijo, kjer danes iz lokalnih pridelkov nastajajo vrhunske jedi.
Najprej so pridelovali zelenjavo na nekaj hektarjih, povpraševanje po ekološki zelenjavi pa se je povečevalo iz dneva v dan. Ard je pridelavo razširil na 20 hektarjev.
Kmetija je tudi socialni projekt. Industrijsko kmetijstvo je obrobne skupine na podeželju potisnilo v kot, je prepričan Ard. Nizozemska država s podporo pomaga ljudem s težavami, vendar je pomembno, da ti ljudje najdejo delo in se počutijo koristne in vključene v družbo. Na kmetiji pomaga 15 fantov, ki prejemajo socialno pomoč.

19.12.2014 • Zgodovinski vrt

Jack je v 10 letih zbral 700 različnih vrst zelenjave in tudi sadnih dreves in ustvaril zgodovinski vrt, ki pa še zdaleč ni muzej. Iz pridelane zelenjave v njegovi kuhinji nastajajo kulinarične mojstrovine. Vendar pa stare sorte nimajo vedno dobrega okusa.
Na zgodovinskem vrtu raste tudi veliko užitnih rož. Jack pravi, da prinašajo srečo.
Jack svoje bogato znanje, ki povezuje naravno dediščino in kulinariko, deli z ljudmi, ki prihajajo na vrt in na kuharske delavnice. 
Vrtovi te vrste bodo zagotovo zaživeli po vsem svetu. 

12.12.2014 • Prepovedan sadež

05.12.2014 • Industrijska konoplja

Zgodba o industrijski konoplji v Sloveniji je tesno povezana z Dejanom Rengeom. Ko je v 90 letih na Biotehniški fakulteti v Ljubljani napisal diplomsko delo o pridelavi konoplje je primere dobre prakse iskal predvsem v sosednji Avstriji, v Sloveniji je bila ta industrijska rastlina  prepovedana. Danes raste na 460 hektarjih in je zagotovo rastlina prihodnosti. Konoplja je vsestransko uporabna v prehrani, iz nje  lahko izdelujemo tekstil, izolacijske materiale. V Prekmurju se zanjo odločajo predvsem ekološki kmetje.


Sir oscipek izdelujejo v pogorju Tater že od 14. stoletja. Izdelujejo ga v majhnih lesenih hiškah, kjer ves čas gori ogenj, to daje siru barvo in okus.
Janina je prva ženska pastirica s certifikatom za izdelovanje oscipka. Od spomladi do jeseni vsak dan po jutranji in večerni molži izdeluje sir.
Leta 2008 je oscipek postal prvi zaščiteni poljski proizvod z geografskim poreklom na evropskem trgu. To vrsto sira izdelujejo tudi na Slovaškem, vendar so z dolgotrajnimi pogajanji dosegli, da se oscipek lahko imenuje le sir, ki je izdelan na območju poljskih Tater. 
Ob vstopu v Evropsko unijo je ta sir izdelovalo približno 100 pastirjev, proizvodnja pa se je ohranila tudi zaradi njegove uveljavitve na evropskem trgu.

21.11.2014 • Naš raj

14.11.2014 • Ljudje podeželja: ČEBULAŽ


01.07.2014 • Hrana za prihodnost – naprej h koreninam

25.05.2014 • A Dalmatian olive grove

Every day, the gynaecologist Ivica Vlatković leaves his surgery in Zadar after work, and goes to his olive grove, where he finds his peace and implements different ideas concerning olive trees and water. Near the Dalmatian town of Novi Grad, where his ancestors lived, there are many old and neglected vineyards and olive groves. There he put up his own plantation with olive trees from all over the world. The olive oil making process is closely related to water. Ivica found groundwater under his estate and has his own well. He also gathers rainwater.

18.05.2014 • Yamashita, a gardener from Paris

Asafuma Yamashita is Japanese. He came to Paris 25 years ago. At first he grew bonsai trees, then he went into vegetables. Today, he works with the world’s best chefs, the culinary masters of the French capital.

04.05.2014 • Houses with tradition

Count Francisku de Chaleiros gave the initiative for the European project Houses with Tradition, “Solares de Portugal”. It is picking up momentum in other European countries, as well. The Paco de Chaleiros Estate, dating back to the 12th century, was built by count’s ancestors. It is now part of the Limo river valley development project, which is taking place in the vicinity of Ponte de Lima, the oldest Portugal town. “Houses with tradition” are welcoming guests from all over the world, tasting local food delicacies and discovering the European countryside. 

26.04.2014 • Ana and Virgilio

Virgilio is an economist who inherited a 100-hectare farm, while Ana used to be a professor. After they had reached their professional goals, they took on another occupation, setting up an ecological fruit and vegetable farm in the central part of Portugal. They had a lot of land, so Virgilio leased some to a young farmer from the north named Luis, who wanted to start eco-farming. The rules were clear; 10 % of the crops instead of the rent. Every week Luis sells the fruits, vegetables and other eco-products on a market in Lisbon.

21.04.2014 • NEW GREEK FARMERS

Young Greeks in search of opportunities in this naturally rich and diverse country often do not have any roots in the countryside. “New farmers,” as they are called, tend to look at food manufacturing and the preservation of the environment from a different perspective. Dimitra restored a hotel in the Dadia nature reserve, while Nikos took up breeding snails. Greece was among the most affected in the current economic crisis. Dimitra, Nikos and Christos are convinced that Europe should support young Greeks, so they could develop and carry out their ideas. Natural heritage, too, can be a basis for opening new jobs.


As much as 48% of the land in the greater area of the French capital is farmland. The French swear by locally grown food, much sought after in Parisian restaurants. Veronique used to work in a telecommunications firm. Recently, she has opened a restaurant, tea-room and bookshop called Mille Feuille. She got in contact with farmers in the vicinity and now she offers only locally grown food that she herself prepares.   In addition, she got in touch with Charles, the ex-manager of a chain of stores, who has decided to become a farmer. He rented his farmland, which is located in close proximity to Paris from the state, and now has ventured into breeding organic chickens. On Thursdays, his farm store is open and it is always packed with people willing to buy his produce.

05.04.2014 • Pavlos from the Greek Thrace

Pavlos is an ethnobiologist. He studied in Germany and gained further knowledge around the world. Three years ago, he returned to his native Thrace and launched the production of ecological olive oil from his ancestors’ grove in the village of Makra. Pavlos is convinced that Greek countryside offers many opportunities for new jobs. His projects employ many young Greeks from the town of Alexandroupoli, while putting local produce onto the gastronomic plates of Thrace.

29.03.2014 • Medieval Eco-Wine

Andre, an eco-farmer, grows grapes, fruits and vegetables, combining his work with local social projects. First and foremost, Quinta de Montalto is renowned for its medieval vine which persists in this area, just a few miles from Fatima. Andre values nature and the experiences of his family that has been farming here since 1880. At the same time, he is an entrepreneur, selling his organic wine to Japan, China and Canada.

23.03.2014 • Notification

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22.03.2014 • Manuel's Port Wine

In the Douro River Valley, Portugal, more than 150 different wine sorts are grown, yielding the world famous port wine. Manuel Villas – Boas inherited an estate with hundreds of years of tradition. He opened it for public and by using European subsidies he brought to life a project linking wine to natural and cultural heritage of Portugal.

15.03.2014 • The green box

The Adamah bio farm is located only 10 km from Vienna. Bratislava is also not far away. Gerhard has more than seized the opportunity to sell directly to several million customers. In 2001, together with his wife Sigrid, he supplied his Viennese customers with the first 60 boxes of fresh vegetables. These days, 6,000 homes can enjoy Adamah green boxes. But the farm cannot produce enough during winter and the competition on the bio market is fierce, so the Adamah farm reached out to 200 other ecological farms in the vicinity. Together they market more than 3,000 products and bio products, also from Italy and Greece, as well as the fair trade bananas from the Dominican Republic. All the Adamah children are employed at the farm, which has provided 150 jobs in the last ten years.

08.03.2014 • The Piemonte cattle

Presidia In the 1990’s, the veterinarian Sergio Capaldo brought together 20 Piemonte cattle breeders who wanted to promote their products and sell them for a fair price. This has given momentum to the La Granda project, connecting manufacturers and merchants and preserving the indigenous Piemonte cattle breed with top-quality meat. The Piemonte cattle breeders follow the principles of sustainable economy, provide healthy environment for the breeding animals, and feed them locally produced fodder, avoiding silage. Under the auspices of The Slow Food International Association more than 2,000 Presidia projects have come to life, fostering local, seasonal food and biodiversity as part of the natural history that we will pass on to posterity.

02.03.2014 • Carlo Petrini

A journalist, visionary, initiator and chairman of The International Slow Food Association, Carlo Petrini is trying to preserve local food production on small farms. This is closely related to food quality, biodiversity and regional development. Carlo’s projects are growing in Europe, South America and Africa (Terra Madre, Presidia…), crossing borders and continents. He aims at bringing together small farms, merchants and innkeepers, as well as preserving the country’s natural and cultural heritage. Carlo continues to live and work in the small Italian town of Bra, where he was born and where he founded the University of Gastronomic sciences.

24.02.2014 • Estate of the Future

If the whole world functioned like the Morgenhof farm, there would be no problems with resources and energy at all. Here everything is made with nature’s help. Stone, clay and wood are the basis for the house, stables and other buildings. The forest is the source of wood, providing heat and power, together with solar energy which also dries the hay and contributes to the high nutritional value of the fodder. The water extracted this way is actually like herbal tea and is drunk by calves. The surplus is stored in an 80,000 liter tank. The estate generates a surplus of energy.

16.02.2014 • Wild pasture

Maria and Keejs are the owners of a dairy farm Wild Pasture in the Green Heart of the Netherlands. They have always promoted sustainable development: in the stables, on the pastures and in the dairy. They mow the grass as late as in June, allowing the birds to nest undisturbed. Ideal for their bio cheese is the cow breed “Blarkop”. Keejs has also come up with the original idea of fennel seed cheese, which is now being produced all over Netherlands.

09.02.2014 • Ideas from natural heritage

Jan and Maxim decided to return to Finland, where they were born. Jan has worked as a carpenter, most recently in Spain, but he had to leave because of the economic crisis. Maxim studied sustainable design in London. Finland’s natural heritage, woodlands - one of the largest in Europe - is a great challenge for both of them. Maxim is involved in the development of a new natural biocomposit material for skis and boards, which they hope will become the hit product of their company. Recently, the two young designers started their business in Rovaniemi, the capital of Lapland. More and more young designers are turning to natural materials, such as wood and reindeer leather.


02.02.2014 • HANK'S CLASSROOM

Hank decided to take over his grandfather's farm in the south of the Netherlands. His chickens can roam freely in his backyard. Hank also has some pigs in a pen and some sheep grazing in a smaller meadow across the road, while his bulls have a bigger pasture behind the orchard. Biodiversity can be seen everywhere. Hank decided to make an educational path on his farm as well. With the help of a tablet or a smart phone you can walk around the meadows and learn a lot about farming and food growing.

Hank directly sells his produce from his shop located on his farm. In his kitchen, dishes for various events on the farm and for catering are prepared almost on a daily basis. This enables even a small farm to make a living and earn a profit.


26.01.2014 • Local produce from Sardinia

Luca is a descendant of a family which has been farming on the island of Sardinia for several centuries. In recent years, the farm has been focusing on intensive milk production. Since local produce are becoming more and more respected and sought after, Luca decided to start his own cheese production. Another of the island's trademarks are artichokes, which are in season from late autumn to spring. Daniela has a degree in biology, but decided to make a living from farm tourism and uses local produce in her kitchen. Daniela cooks utilising the recipes already used by her grandmother and mother and creates numerous dishes from artichokes that she grows on her own farm.


19.01.2014 • Pigs on the Internet

Wim graduated from agriculture and economics. During his stay in Portugal, he became interested in free range pig rearing. His project was rejected by all Dutch banks, which were only prepared to support rearing in pens in order to secure their investment. Wim therefore presented his project to the general public and tried to raise the necessary start-up capital from those who would be interested in good quality meat and meat products. The response was excellent and Wim now breeds free range pigs in 14 different locations around the Netherlands. Since his business results are good, Wim intends to expand his project to Belgium, Germany and maybe Slovenia as well.


12.01.2014 • Black Rice

Elisabetta Falchi is the Head of the Sardinian farmers association. She grows seed rice, which was first planted decades ago by her father on degraded and salt coastal areas, near the town of Orestano where no other crops can flourish. Sardinian rice growers established a cooperative which has enabled them to sell their produce easier and to be more efficient in exercising their rights. The European Union intends to lower subsidies for rice and further open its market for import from other continents. Elisabetta is especially proud of her black rice. She made her selection regarding which strains of rice to grow with the help of a Chinese breeder. The Head of Sardinian farmers still has a lot of plans for the future of rice and agriculture as a whole on the island.


05.01.2014 • The Šinjorina Smokvica trademark of fig products

Sandra used to be a journalist and a music editor. The fig trees in the garden of her parents in Dalmatia have long been an inspiration to her. From their sweet fruit, she often made marmalade in her small makeshift kitchen in the garden. She decided to launch a project connected to (her love of?) figs. She registered a trademark called Šinjorina Smokvica (Fig Lady in Dalmatian dialect?) and obtained European funds . Her products have already gained wide recognition in the market and cuisine of Dalmatia.


29.12.2013 • Sardinia, the island of cheese and saffron

For decades the hallmark of (the island of) Sardinia has been “pecorino”, cheese made of sheep’s milk, but the islanders have been searching for other possibilities tradition could offer. The region in the vicinity of (the town of) San Gavino is a traditional producer of precious saffron, a spice brought to the island by monks. Fausto Gaboni’s initially had not planned on being a farmer. He’s a mechanical engineer by profession, but decided to take over his father’s farm and now produces saffron.



Pirita, Anne Marre and Mikka are young Laplanders who decided to tie their future to the reindeer. According to tradition, Pirita got her first reindeer in the spring, while Mikka recently took over his father's work and manages one of 57 cooperatives of reindeer herders in Lapland.

Young reindeer herders thus continue to keep alive the natural and cultural heritage of Northern Finland.


15.12.2013 • The Island of Sheep

The island of Texel in the Netherlands is a paradise for both sheep and cyclists. The indigenous Texel sheep breed is known worldwide and is raised even in the USA and New Zealand. Nevertheless, the inhabitants of Texel are not steeped exclusively in tradition – they like to embrace new ideas as well. The island's natural park is now home to Scottish cattle, which provide the natural balance on the island. And locals now develop a procedure which will allow for the growing of vegetables in salt water. Their cuisine delights all visitors to the island, and our Village Folk crew was no exception!


08.12.2013 • Golden Pag cheese

Ivan Gligora from the Croatian island of Pag made his first steps as a dairy producer by attending a dairy school in Kranj, Slovenia, and now produces the best sheep cheese in the world. Gligora established his world-renowned dairy in the village of Kolan, where he preserves the tradition of Pag Cheese production and improves it with his profound knowledge and energy, which all promises for his company a huge degree of success in the future as well. Golden Pag Cheese tastes of salt and numerous indigenous island herbs, which sheep from the island of Pag browse amongst the stones.

01.12.2013 • Self-service at a Farm

Jan's eco-farm is open for customers every day. In his big fridge in his barn, Jan keeps hamburgers, packed meat, cheese and milk. His fields are the grazing ground for the indigenous Blaarkop dairy breed. The top quality of his beef and dairy products has been noticed by a nearby hotel. The hotel returns to the farm the leftovers from their eco-fruit and vegetables. Jan feeds his few pigs with them. The circle is thus complete.

26.11.2013 • Man with horse

Rade Bobanovich Master of Economics, financier, politician, war negotiator and co-founder of organic cooperatives Masvin which produce wine, olive oil and figs - certified organic production.

20.11.2013 • A kindergarten on farm

Albert's farm is situated only a few kilometres from the Schiphol Airport near Amsterdam. When planning his future, Albert decided to rent out part of his farm to a kindergarten and thus preserve a small farm just a stone's throw away from the Dutch capital. The farm now hosts several groups of children attending the kindergarten, and also daily visits from schoolchildren. This helps Albert in selling the produce from his bio-dynamic farm as well.


04.11.2013 • Jose Bove

José Bové is one of the best known European farmers. He started his fight for small farmers' rights back in the 1970s, when sheep farmers from the Larzac plateau in South Western region of France joined forces and prevented the French government from expropriating their land, in order to expand one of their military bases and where the farmers raised sheep and made cheese. José participated in the demolition of the McDonald's restaurant in the French town of Millau and was imprisoned for this action.


28.10.2013 • Happy pigs

Barbant in central Netherlands is famous for its intensive pig production. The Netherlands is one of the biggest food exporters, including pork. Kees is a veterinarian by profession. After an outbreak of swine flu, when he had to help kill several million pigs that were completely healthy, Kees decided to start a free range pig production. Kees' pigs are always outdoors. Our film crew visited them on a hot afternoon when the pigs enjoyed a mud bath.

22.10.2013 • ANNE'S REINDEER

Anne is the Head of the Reindeer Herders Association in Lapland. She's the first woman to hold this position. She's comes from the Sami peoples, who have been reindeer herders on the north of Sweden, Norway and Finland for centuries and are in constant contact with nature. Like many other families in Lapland, Anne's family also makes their living by selling reindeer meat. However, the vast Finland forests where the wild reindeer graze are not a safe sanctuary anymore. The number of predators is on the increase, and the mining industry is ever more present in this area. Finland is rich in gold, phosphorous and other important natural resources.

01.10.2013 • Food for the Future



26.02.2013 • Food for the Future

This documentary features Jose Bove – the most renowned advocate for farmers rights in Europe. The programme is the epilogue of the Village Folk series – stories about people who grow our food and were filmed by RTV Slovenija in nine different European countries.

Will there be enough food for all of us in the future? Our planet will soon be populated by 9 billion people, who will need twice the amount of food as we produce today in order to survive. Climate changes, draughts and floods increasingly hamper food production, while fields are diminishing due to so-called "development". The percentage of young farmers in the EU is decreasing. Only 6 percent are below 35 years of age.

Will food become the most important strategic resource of our future?

The creator of the documentary, Barbara Zrimšek, collected various stories of farmers from European countries with a common European agriculture policy. From countries where the following question is asked: Who will grow our food in the future and is there going to be enough of it for all of us?