
The Art of Rihard Jakopič

Rihard JakopičRihard JakopičMore than 1200 of his paintings and sketches have been recorder up to now. His style moulded within salon realism and the modern trends of the Munich society. Before the end of the last decade of the 19th century, he started to turn to landscapes, in which the first signs of Impressionist techniques were still subordinated to the local Secessionist ways.

 Jakopič said that by 1904 he had together with Grohar, Jama and Sternen "built the body of Slovenian Impressionism." From 1905 to 1906 Grohar added a more expressive way of apprehension to his visual experience, and this resulted in wonderful interiors and landscapes. By 1912 his images of the visible world changed into Post-Impressionist colour harmonies, and by 1917 the divided palette had given way to lyrical colour rhythms of more decisive strokes.

His most important works are Topoli (The Poplars, 1898), Zimska pokrajina (The Winter Landscape, 1900), Breze (The Birches, 1900, 1901, 1903), Sončni breg (The Sunny Hillside, 1903), Kopalke (The Women Bathing, 1905), Sejalec (The Sower, 1905), Pri klavirju (By the Piano, 1907), Pri svetilki (By the Lamp, 1908), Križanke (The Križanke) 1908-1924), Na divanu (On the Divan, 1912), Spomini (The Memories, 1912), Zeleni pajčolan (The Green Veil, 1915), Sipina (The Sands, 1919).


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Ivan Grohar: Sejalec

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