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Impressionism in Europe
The time of impressionism
The story behind the artwork
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Prikaži samo vsebine objavljene od:
Več kot 100.000 ljudi na slovenske impresioniste - 19.02.2009
Impresioniste lahko ujamete do 15. februarja - 07.02.2009
Van Gogha si je ogledalo več kot pol milijona ljud - 12.12.2008
Štirje impresionisti, kot jih najbrž še ne poznate - 09.12.2008
Van Gogh in Kunstmuseum Basel - 25.11.2008
Multimedijska razstava Art Nouveau & družba - 07.11.2008
V Orsayu razstava najlepših pastelov - 17.10.2008
Anton Ažbe - 03.10.2008
Ukraden Renoir na poti domov - 29.09.2008
The Story of Photographer Avgust Berthold - 09.09.2008
Vincent van Gogh in Wienna - 07.09.2008
Vloga tujine v ustvarjanju na prelomu stoletja - 01.06.2008
Ljubljana in the Time of Mayor Ivan Hribar - 28.05.2008
Interview: Art Historian Milček Komelj - 08.05.2008
Interview: Mateja Breščak - 06.05.2008
Slovenian Impressionists and their time 1890-1920 - 25.04.2008
The Slovenian National gallery celebrates 90 years of its existence with an exhibition that presents a time, when four great Slovenian Impressionists created their masterpieces, to Slovenia and also the broader European ...
Architecture in 1890-1920 - 25.04.2008
Pogled na
Ivan Grohar: Sejalec
Who is your favourite impressionist or postimpressionist artist?
Claude Monet
Edouard Manet
Edgar Degas
August Renoir
Vincent van Gogh
Paul Gauguin
Paul Cézanne
National Gallery of Slovenia
Museum of Modern Art
Musee d'Orsay
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