
Matija Jama (1872–1947)

Matija JamaMatija JamaMatija Jama was born in Ljubljana in 1872 and died there after the Second World War, in 1947. He was the most doctrinaire Impressionist amongst the four. He honoured this style in painting and also discussed it in his writings.

He began his schooling in Zagreb and continued it in a private painting school in Munich with professor Hollósy. In an exhibition there he became acquainted with Monet's work. In 1897, Jakopič introduced him to the Slovenians in the Ažbe School.

Jama displayed his works with other painters in the 1st Slovenian exhibition of art in Ljubljana in 1900, in exhibitions in Zagreb, 'triumphant' exhibition of the Sava association in Vienna in 1904, in Belgrade and in 1906 in Sophia. In 1909 his works were included in the exhibition in the Jakopič Pavilion, where he also had his first solo exhibition in 1923. He painted in the Posotelje region, by the Kolpa River, in the Lika region but also near Munich, in Dürrensteinu on the Danube, in Vienna, Belgrade and even in the Netherlands. From 1915 to 1922 he lived in The Hague and only then settled down in Ljubljana.


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