
Impressionism in Slovenia


Rihard Jakopič: KrižankeRihard Jakopič: KrižankeHere Impressionism blossomed in the first decade of the 20 century, thirty years after the first pinnacle of Impressionism in France.

Like the French pioneers, the Slovenian four - Rihard Jakopič, Ivan Grohar, Matija Jama and Matej Sternen - were equally enraptured by landscapes at various times of the day and in different seasons, and especially in their mature period displayed an inclination toward figurative art.

The paintings of the Slovenian Impressionists embody a significant emphasis on lyricism, mood and symbolic meaning. There are typical pastose layers of paint and light colour schemes. Another characteristic of Slovenian Impressionism is its close bond with Secession, Naturalism and Symbolism. The four painters first displayed their works together at the 1st exhibition of the Slovenian Artistic Society in Ljubljana in 1900, then again in 1902, but it was only in 1904 in Vienna, when they received commendable reviews.


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Ivan Grohar: Sejalec

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